Friday, May 23, 2008


Training is going pretty good in prague, just lots of whitewater sessions, basically two every day so feeling pretty tired! We are heading to veltrusy for a race tomorrow for the weekend, its only about 30 mins from prague, so thats pretty sweet, not to much driving.
Next tuesday i am looking at going to Tranvaka with the czechs which should be fun, its supposed to be a course of similiar size to beijing!! so should be super fun after prague!!
Well this weekend will be good for a well deserved break from the course here at prague, next week i have one more hard block and a race in Roudinice and then i have a break in Augsburg for a few days and then it is the build up for the World cup here in Prague.
The rest of the NZL team arrive next sunday week, the 15th June

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