Monday, May 26, 2008


So the race in veltrusy over the weekend has happened and the racing was pretty exciting. All the classes were won by the czechs.
Racing was quite hard on a course which i had never seen let alone paddled, but it went ok, i finished in 5th so that was ok.
Today we were supposed to go to tranvka, a course in czech, a big water course which only flows a few times each year, but we have struck some troubles with the car as the lights were left on, and now we cant get it going...maybe we will get there next tuesday?? So instead we will spend the day on the troja course here in prague.
We have one more race this coming weekend before the Prague world cup, it is in Roudinice, a small town about 60 minutes from Prague, so we will try and get a day of paddling there before the races. Also this weekend there is a money race in Solkan, Slovenia, 8000 euro prize money!!

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